
Showing posts from 2017

Now Offering Reiki Healing

WHAT IS REIKI? "As running water smoothes the jagged edges of a rock until it is small enough to roll away, Reiki flows to the areas of need, soothing and supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself" Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the concept that "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.  When this life force energy becomes stagnant, we can fall into periods of feeling unwell, and illness worsens over time. This tradition was founded by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. Reiki can be used alongside other conventional or complementary treatment and often helps to provide emotional support during recovery. The practice is taught by Reiki masters / teachers who have trained in the tradition passed on in person from master to student. Ruby Binns-Cagney is a ...


Orion’s Belt stars and Flame Nebula,  (photo: Davide De Martin, Digitized Sky Survey,  ESA, ESO, NASA FITS Liberator) Greetings loved ones. These are happy days for the Lion's Gate Portal opened on 8 August. This signals a time of great abundance to come and signals another rise in our collective consciousness. The soil is fertile; choose carefully so that you only plant those positive intentions which serve your Highest and best.  Following on from the recent Eclipse, the Lion's Gate portal opened as our Dog Star Sirius formed perfect alignment with the pyramids in Giza, Egypt and the planets on Orion's Belt. The three pyramids on the Giza Plateau simulate the alignment of the three belt stars, and the air shafts inside the pyramids point directly toward Orion constellation. They are believed to be there to project the pharaoh’s soul toward Orion. When the River Nile rises, it encourages abundant growth and we can expect a bumper harvest as our re...


Number 7, Major Arcana, the Chariot Quite a coincidence that I drew this card for the coming week as the Eclipse energy is all about freedom and making your own destiny. The Chariot appears in a reading where there has been some stagnation in an area of a person's life, and is a signal that situations are starting to move forward again. Momentum is finally stirring again after what can be a long drawn out wait for something to happen. This can indicate the opportunity to travel, even short distances, may present itself soon. Be ready. This card can appear when someone is in divorce or separation proceedings, or when something is coming to an end, maybe a job or leaving an established home. Its also an indicator of rewards for a job well done. This can also bring new people and situations into your life, such as change of workplace or CEO, for instance. Wishing you all success and joy.


August 2017 is an energetically tense month with two new moons and two eclipses. This energy is very strong and brings with it unexpected opportunities for change; with sudden endings thanks to Uranus in Aries but also sudden luck and opportunities for advancement. Be ready to jump on these opportunities by sharpening up your resume now. Let's dive into what the eclipse has in store for some of us. While the Grand Fire Trine continues in Leo, we are guided inwards to seek meditate and reflect back to ourselves our inner calm while turbulent energies continue to tear down any poorly built structures and replace them with those stronger foundations which more accurately serve our needs. Family members may suddenly decide to move across Country, friends may sever ties with us as we have outgrown them and have moved to Higher Consciousness; focussed on giving to others and stepping out of ego-centred thinking.  This is the time to come from a place of love rather than ...

Full Moon in Sagittarius June 10

Sagittarius is a sign greatly aligned with truth. With a Full Moon in this sign, it's time to be honest about everything, with everything, and to everyone. Even if it hurts. You'll find people can't pull the wool over your eyes so easily during this time, and whether you want to call them on it or not, its an eye-opener for you. How log have people been lying to you? Now's the time you'll learn the real sides to people. Welcome a sudden motivation for making changes at this Full Moon. For me, the exercise equipment I bought at the tail end of last year is being dusted off, and I'm using it as intended now because I have the energy; after months of feeling under par. Some of you are being given the chance to heal past hurts. Take the time to do so, release and then move on. Jupiter is in Libra at the time of this Full Moon, which could see the start of a relationship move to the next level, or a new relationship starts or a relationship ends so so...
NEW MOON IN GEMINI May 25 saw the New Moon arrive in the air sign of Gemini, highlighting communication, travel plans and new pursuits. Here in the UK a major airline lost all its computing power and had to shut down all flights leaving London's Heathrow airport. The event also coincided with the hottest day of the year. Thoughts you may have at the time of the New Moon can include revisiting past hurts and feeling regret, looking at improving your strengths, learning to communicate more effectively, among others. Spring is in full bloom, and naturally our thoughts turn to lighter issues. Getting fit, adopting a healthier lifestyle balance, exercising more for example. Just make sure not to overdo things. On Saturday, Venus cosies up to Uranus, which could shake things up and get you out of your comfort zone and out doing things for the first time. Mars enters Cancer on Sunday, bringing some time to stop and smell the roses. Don't miss out! TAROT CARD OF THE DAY W...