NEW MOON IN GEMINI May 25 saw the New Moon arrive in the air sign of Gemini, highlighting communication, travel plans and new pursuits. Here in the UK a major airline lost all its computing power and had to shut down all flights leaving London's Heathrow airport. The event also coincided with the hottest day of the year. Thoughts you may have at the time of the New Moon can include revisiting past hurts and feeling regret, looking at improving your strengths, learning to communicate more effectively, among others. Spring is in full bloom, and naturally our thoughts turn to lighter issues. Getting fit, adopting a healthier lifestyle balance, exercising more for example. Just make sure not to overdo things. On Saturday, Venus cosies up to Uranus, which could shake things up and get you out of your comfort zone and out doing things for the first time. Mars enters Cancer on Sunday, bringing some time to stop and smell the roses. Don't miss out! TAROT CARD OF THE DAY W...