Orion’s Belt stars and Flame Nebula, (photo: Davide De Martin, Digitized Sky Survey, ESA, ESO, NASA FITS Liberator) Greetings loved ones. These are happy days for the Lion's Gate Portal opened on 8 August. This signals a time of great abundance to come and signals another rise in our collective consciousness. The soil is fertile; choose carefully so that you only plant those positive intentions which serve your Highest and best. Following on from the recent Eclipse, the Lion's Gate portal opened as our Dog Star Sirius formed perfect alignment with the pyramids in Giza, Egypt and the planets on Orion's Belt. The three pyramids on the Giza Plateau simulate the alignment of the three belt stars, and the air shafts inside the pyramids point directly toward Orion constellation. They are believed to be there to project the pharaoh’s soul toward Orion. When the River Nile rises, it encourages abundant growth and we can expect a bumper harvest as our re...