
Showing posts from May, 2018


Uranus in now in Taurus until November 15. Let's look at what this aspect could bring to our lives. If you have a Taurus Sun, Moon or Ascendant, you may feel this energy the most. Get ready for life changing events, sudden surprises (or disappointments) and try and be more flexible or open to changes before Uranus forces them upon you. Taureans are notorious for being stubborn, but not all Taureans are stubborn!! Uranus was last in Taurus between 1934  and 1942. This time around, it could bring changes to the Banking system, economic fluctuations, earthquakes, natural disasters, and more. Now is a good time to check your financials - look for any overcharging, unexpected chargebacks etc and get them refunded this month. There's already a focus on healing the planet - by using less plastic, exploring alternate sources of fuel, cleaning up our seas and oceans - but this is just a preview of what is possible. Uranus is known for being disruptive, bringing chaos and th...

Astrological Outlook May 2018

SUBSCRIBE NOW TO RECEIVE UPDATES The April 29 Full Moon in Scorpio was an omen of stability and success, and, sextile Saturn, this is a very positive aspect. Here, the focus is on family, partners, loved ones in general. The perfect setting for commitment, whether marriage, or otherwise. Go for it. The heavens give you their blessing now. The April 15 Full Moon may have triggered positive changes in all of us, and the current Full Moon finalises any promises made to improve ourselves. With heavenly support now, chances are you'll make a success of it this time. Any new projects or plans started since that April 15 Full Moon which was aligned with Saturn can continue apace, with celestial backing now, as Saturn rules preparedness, and success. That's not to say it wouldn't hurt to delegate some of your tasks now, to share the creative burden among your Team. The New Moon falls on May 15 in Taurus. The last time this event occurred there were extreme weather ...