
Showing posts from July, 2018

July's Dramatic Close Approaches This Week

DRAMATIC ECLIPSE July 27 is a blood moon! With the Sun at 4 degrees of Leo and the Moon at 4 degrees of Aquarius, this is a total Lunar Eclipse.  With Mars in Aquarius, Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio, Leo in Saturn in Capricorn, this is a sign of conflict, and of civil unrest. Historically, this planetary aspect coincided with world wars. As always, don't make any sudden major life changes now. Wait for this aspect to pass first. If you sign contracts now, you may have to redo them in a few weeks' time as Eclipses tend to hide part of the full facts. Also, it can play out over six months before the whole picture emerges, and you may regret signing on the dotted line. Just when we think are over the worst part of this intense aspect; Mercury is about to turn retrograde, bringing delays, and a focus on the home. If you're buying or selling a home now you may face long delays. Jupiter will trine Neptune bringing an opportunity for healing old dis...


First off, happy 4th July and thank you so much for subscribing - we appreciate you. We have so much to tell you about how July is set to transform everything in your life if you're ready for major change on all fronts. Read on. JULY SOLAR ECLIPSE On July 12th the New Moon Solar eclipse falls in the sign of Cancer, and affects your home and family life. A house move, or new opportunities can present themselves now. JULY LUNAR ECLIPSE On July 27th the Full Moon Lunar eclipse falls in the sign of Aquarius, and forms a hard angle to Uranus in Taurus. This can signal financial changes either on a grand scale via the economy, or on a personal scale via your disposable income. Pull back on spending now and take time to review your income and expenditure. What you save this month can be put towards any unexpected demands, which can crop up at this time. Something can end now, like finishing up at college, a job, a house or apartment lease, that sort of thing. You may b...