The Full Moon falls in Pisces. Full moons are a time for change; to welcome transitions, and to let go and allow things to fall into place. This full moon is very well aspected. It’s part of a Kite, in tight aspect to the Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. We also have a Grand Earth Trine between the Sun, Saturn and Uranus. This is the perfect moment to seek some rest and retreat, solitude, silence. It’s the calm after the storm. Under a Pisces Moon, we’re encouraged to surrender, just not completely. The Moon’s sextile to Saturn suggests that you need to take a break to reconnect with yourself. With Venus perfecting a square on the same day as the Full Moon and Mars stationing direct the following day, it’s not as if all tension and challenges have disappeared. With Venus square to Pluto, it’s about whether we’re loveable, whether we’re valuable, worthy. MARS TURNS DIRECT AUGUST 27 Now is not the time to ...