
Hello October !

    OCTOBER ASTROLOGY 2018 The trees are starting to change foliage, with rustic browns, and russet gold falling to the ground, crisp and crunchy under foot. Let's see what October's astrology holds in store for us. OCTOBER 2 Someone has a secret which spills out as Mercury forms a square to Pluto. The truth is revealed, so make sure if this applies to you that you have nothing to hide. OCTOBER 5 Venus will retrograde until November 16. This can be a time of increased passion, creativity can spike, so get your thoughts down in a journal, or stock up on art supplies in time for when the muse is calling. This could also be a great time to dump all the stuff you no longer need, or want, or have space for. Boxes of stuff gather dust, and prevent you from opening up to new opportunities; and if you're feeling stuck in some area of your life this could be the solution. Love is the major life focus when Venus retrogrades because we can find ourselves look...

September 9 New Moon in Virgo Heralds Abundance

The New Moon in Virgo will rise on September 9. What it brings, is surprises, fun, opportunity, and a moment to catch a break after months of turbulence. I can't tell you exactly when all the turbulence will fade away. What I can tell you is this; grab this chance to come up for air while you can, as there isn't much of the year left which isn't marred in some way. Read on. The New Moon will sharpen your focus and definite it. Themes surface around health issues, wellbeing, and career. With  Mercury and Mars turned direct now, things can move on apace after months of stagnation. There are seven planets nestled in Earth signs at the moment, giving a grounding to all the airy fuss and nonsense we've had to endure thus far in 2018. With just three signs in Water signs, there are opportunities to lose yourself with distractions of food, drink or both as sources of escape from the drama and angst of modern life. Instead, why don't you get involved in the ...


The Full Moon falls in Pisces. Full moons are a time for change; to welcome transitions, and to let go and allow things to fall into place. This full moon is very well aspected. It’s part of a Kite, in tight aspect to the Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. We also have a Grand Earth Trine between the Sun, Saturn and Uranus.  This is the perfect moment to seek some rest and retreat, solitude, silence.  It’s the calm after the storm. Under a Pisces Moon, we’re encouraged to surrender, just not completely. The Moon’s sextile to Saturn suggests that you need to take a break to reconnect with yourself.  With Venus perfecting a square on the same day as the Full Moon and Mars stationing direct the following day, it’s not as if all tension and challenges have disappeared. With Venus square to Pluto, it’s about whether we’re loveable, whether we’re valuable, worthy. MARS TURNS DIRECT AUGUST 27 Now is not the time to ...

What to Expect After the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo August 11

AUGUST ASTROLOGY Some high energy is here ! What can you do with it? Read on. Mercury turns direct on August 18th to get the ball rolling, and signing contracts, renewing leases, and anything involving commitment get the green light now. Mars will not turn direct until August 27, which seems so far away but its not at all. You will get the go ahead on the launch of that project or assignment around this date.  Don't launch any new project/product or initiative until a few days after August 27 for the best possible aspects to bring optimal success. Major changes can occur now, with Uranus in Taurus until November 2018, before moving back into Taurus in March 2019 and remaining there for 7 years. Pick up any newspaper and the headlines all report major disruption on planet Earth, with wildfires raging in some countries, while others face drought. Volcanic eruptions in Hawaii hit the news recently, and now Europe has endured a heatwave which is predicted ...

July's Dramatic Close Approaches This Week

DRAMATIC ECLIPSE July 27 is a blood moon! With the Sun at 4 degrees of Leo and the Moon at 4 degrees of Aquarius, this is a total Lunar Eclipse.  With Mars in Aquarius, Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Scorpio, Leo in Saturn in Capricorn, this is a sign of conflict, and of civil unrest. Historically, this planetary aspect coincided with world wars. As always, don't make any sudden major life changes now. Wait for this aspect to pass first. If you sign contracts now, you may have to redo them in a few weeks' time as Eclipses tend to hide part of the full facts. Also, it can play out over six months before the whole picture emerges, and you may regret signing on the dotted line. Just when we think are over the worst part of this intense aspect; Mercury is about to turn retrograde, bringing delays, and a focus on the home. If you're buying or selling a home now you may face long delays. Jupiter will trine Neptune bringing an opportunity for healing old dis...


First off, happy 4th July and thank you so much for subscribing - we appreciate you. We have so much to tell you about how July is set to transform everything in your life if you're ready for major change on all fronts. Read on. JULY SOLAR ECLIPSE On July 12th the New Moon Solar eclipse falls in the sign of Cancer, and affects your home and family life. A house move, or new opportunities can present themselves now. JULY LUNAR ECLIPSE On July 27th the Full Moon Lunar eclipse falls in the sign of Aquarius, and forms a hard angle to Uranus in Taurus. This can signal financial changes either on a grand scale via the economy, or on a personal scale via your disposable income. Pull back on spending now and take time to review your income and expenditure. What you save this month can be put towards any unexpected demands, which can crop up at this time. Something can end now, like finishing up at college, a job, a house or apartment lease, that sort of thing. You may b...

Mars Retrogade in Aquarius is Here!

 Mars is now retrograde in the sign of Aquarius On June 26 Mars turned retrograde in Aquarius. This is the start of a two week period where you may be guided to fix things from the past. Letting go of past resentments, drawing a line under past conflicts and resolving them, offering a hand to those hurt by you in the past, that sort of thing. Its not a time to seek revenge; that would be limiting the extent of the power Mars represents. Leave revenge in all its forms to a higher power. What can you use this aspect for? This is a perfect situation where karmic debts can be repaid. If you're always asking something of others, now its your turn to give time, patience, commitment, to others. Finding the time to do something for others may be challenging, but will mars in Aquarius now the opportunity will present itself in a hard to miss way. You may feel this aspect manifest within you as a restless energy, Unable to sleep, or to concentrate as well as before the retrogra...