September 9 New Moon in Virgo Heralds Abundance
The New Moon in Virgo will rise on September 9. What it brings, is surprises, fun, opportunity, and a moment to catch a break after months of turbulence.
I can't tell you exactly when all the turbulence will fade away. What I can tell you is this; grab this chance to come up for air while you can, as there isn't much of the year left which isn't marred in some way. Read on.
The New Moon will sharpen your focus and definite it. Themes surface around health issues, wellbeing, and career.
With Mercury and Mars turned direct now, things can move on apace after months of stagnation.
There are seven planets nestled in Earth signs at the moment, giving a grounding to all the airy fuss and nonsense we've had to endure thus far in 2018. With just three signs in Water signs, there are opportunities to lose yourself with distractions of food, drink or both as sources of escape from the drama and angst of modern life.
Instead, why don't you get involved in the outdoors, soak up nature in all its summery shimmer?
Dump old habits, cast off old hurts, and say one last time how you shoulda coulda woulda done things differently, then move the heck on.
The skies herald blessings, abundance in love, a feeling of contentment within, and a delicious splash of daydreams.
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