
Showing posts from February, 2018


Hello March! With February drawing to a rapid close, our focus shifts to the March 1 new moon in Virgo. Good news if you're a Virgo, but also lucky for Libra of Pisces. If you're sensitive to planetary energetic shifts you'll feel the mounting energy starting today, ending on the rise of the New Moon. What's in store? While Venus moves closer to Pisces you're in with a chance of meeting someone new, or starting afresh in the love or relationship game. This aspect is most favourable for social butterfly types, so crawl off your couch, grab a shower, and then head out. Even if its only a stroll to the bodega on the corner, Venus is lurking there; waiting to hook ya'll up. March Highlights The March 3 - 4 weekend sets you up with finances starting to improve. Look out for new opportunities when Jupiter (giver of gifts and luck) steps next to Neptune (making dream goals more real) to present a second chance with a business or career ch...
We are open! THE PRINCIPLES OF REIKI Just for today I will not worry Just for today I will not be angry Just for today I will do my work honestly Just for today I will give thanks for my blessings Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing Dr Mikao Usui Reiki's principles were handed down through the ages; compelling each Reiki Master to practice them daily. The Reiki principles are based on the precept that we are living  in the moment .  The Reiki principles remind Reiki Masters that there is only this moment, and not to worry or focus on past or future concerns. Worry is viewed as negative thinking, and, our thoughts being energy; it is believed that we draw this negative energy into our souls. Repetitive negative thinking affects our energy levels, and our sense of wellness diminishes until we resolve to think positively and embrace li...