March 17 New Moon and Blue Moon March 31
The moon, being the closest astronomical body to Earth, has a profound effect on us. It represents the feminine, emotional, creative and nurturing aspects of our lives
March 17 heralded a new moon in Pisces at 27 degrees. Good news as Jupiter in Scorpio showered that new moon with radiant luck, expansion, prosperity, healing, and happiness.
The full moon on March 31 is a blue moon, in the sign of Libra. Saturn and Mars will both send a harsh 90-degree square to the full moon in Libra, and to the Sun in Aries which is opposing them. This is the perfect time to release outdated habits that no longer serve you, and to welcome change. You may want to write a list of habits you're releasing, sign and date it, and then burn the list outside on the ground or in your garden. Otherwise you can start a new path are to write your list as before, tear it into pieces, and then take a shower or bath to cleanse your energy.
Mercury will retrograde from March 22 to April 15. No impulse shopping or last minute flight booking as you'll lose money when having to switch plans.Put off any electrical purchases until after the retrograde ends, and double any home contents insurance policies as many broken items occur when mercury retrogrades. Some people lose their keys, their computer breaks down, their electricity supply cuts out, the possibilities are endless.
Be ready for any last minute changes in your plans, and make room for any rescheduling.
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