The human body has 7 energy centers. Reiki healing focuses on these - the chakras.
Each chakra
relates to specific parts of the human body. Any ailments and physical
dysfunctions are felt here; and each energy center governs our mental
and emotional state. Reiki works to balance the body mind and spirit by
accessing the chakras.
we have a physical pain, it exists as a weaknesses in our body. When we
relax, it can undo any tightness or stiffness over time. The problem
becomes more persistent if we are stressed, or failing to relax. Working
with reiki therapists helps to condition your mind and body to relax,
heal, and sustain any repairs to your entire body.
clearing of the chakra's blocked energy using reiki can also balance
our emotional state of mind. If there are any fears or negative emotions
we are holding on to, we may experience physical restrictions, and
ailments. These are signals our bodies give us to remind us to take
better care of ourselves.
Reiki healing can become a good habit to continue as it regularly turns up your chakras to keep you pain free.
you have muscle aches or are in any other type of pain, your reiki
therapist can establish which chakra is affected or blocked.
may take more than one reiki healing session to address chakra
blockages, but over time, you'll feel a renewed sense of vitality.
A persistent case of migraines sent Pauline* to seek reiki healing sessions with us.
a consultation and taking her medical history we ruled out any
allergies, her medications were up to date, and she was being treated by
a Doctor.
six reiki healing sessions, Pauline suddenly didn't have migraines any
more. Pauline described the feeling as being 'lifted out of herself, and
into a calm, serene, peace, that lasted all day.'
she'd been taking three or four migraine relief pills a day, she slowly
stopped relying on them, until she had her first pain-free day at work.
Not only was Pauline migraine - free but she also reported sleeping well, a first for her, and feeling excited about exercising.
Pauline had felt trapped by her migraines, having to stay in bed with the blinds drawn as the pain was too severe. Not any more, thanks to Reiki.
Contact us if you'd like more information on reiki healing and how it may help you.
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