Hello October !

OCTOBER ASTROLOGY 2018 The trees are starting to change foliage, with rustic browns, and russet gold falling to the ground, crisp and crunchy under foot. Let's see what October's astrology holds in store for us. OCTOBER 2 Someone has a secret which spills out as Mercury forms a square to Pluto. The truth is revealed, so make sure if this applies to you that you have nothing to hide. OCTOBER 5 Venus will retrograde until November 16. This can be a time of increased passion, creativity can spike, so get your thoughts down in a journal, or stock up on art supplies in time for when the muse is calling. This could also be a great time to dump all the stuff you no longer need, or want, or have space for. Boxes of stuff gather dust, and prevent you from opening up to new opportunities; and if you're feeling stuck in some area of your life this could be the solution. Love is the major life focus when Venus retrogrades because we can find ourselves look...